Copyright Randy Merrimen

By using Randy Merrimen’s site, you willingly consent to our Policies & terms (Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, and Returns & Refunds listed below).


The information on this site is not intended to be individualized nutrition advice and should not take the place of your health care providers’s advice or treated as such. It is for informational purposes only. Carefully use the advice presented on this site at your own discretion. If you have specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your Doctor, Naturopathic doctor or other professional healthcare provider in person for a thorough assessment.

Although we strive to provide accurate and up to date information, we cannot guarantee that everything is accurate and up to date. Please use discretion and research before undertaking any change to your nutrition or fitness routine.

Privacy Policy

This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information we receive from users of the Site. We use your Personal Information only for providing and improving the Site. By using the Site, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.

What is considered Personal Information?

Personal information refers to information such as your name, address, email address, geographic location, purchase history, gender, credit card information, and browsing habits on our site.

What information do we collect?

We collect information from you when you register on the site, place an order, enter a contest or sweepstakes, respond to a survey or communication such as email, or participate in another site feature. When ordering or registering, we may ask you for your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, credit card information or other information. You may however, visit our site anonymously. We also collect information about gift recipients so that we can fulfill the gift purchase.

Like many websites, we use cookies to enhance your experience and gather information about visitors and visits to our websites. Please refer to the ‘do we use cookies’ section below for information about cookies and how we use them.

We may process the following categories of personal data about you:

  • Communication Data that includes any communication that you send to us whether that be through the contact form on our website, through email, tex, social media messaging, social media posting or any other communication that you send us. We process this data from the purposes of communication with you, for record keeping and for the establishment, pursuance or defence of legal claims. Our lawful ground for this processing is our legitimate interests which in this case are to reply to communication sent to us, to keep records and to establish, pursue or defend legal claims.

  • Customer Data that includes data relating to any purchases of goods and/or services such as your name, title, billing address, delivery address, email address, phone number, contact details, purchase details and your credit card details. We process this data supply the goods and/or services you have purchased and to keep records of such transactions. Our lawful ground for this processing is the performance of a contract between you and us and/or taking steps at your request to enter into such contract

  • User Data that includes data about how you use our website and any online services together with any data that you post for publication on our website or through other online services. We process this data to operate our website and ensure relevant content is provides to you, to ensure the security of our website, to maintain back-ups of our website and/or databases and to enable publication and administration of our website, other online services and business. Our lawful ground for this processing is our legitimate interests which in this case are to enable us to properly administer our website and our business.

  • Technical Data that includes data about your use of our website and online services such as your IP address, your login data, details about your browser, length of visit to pages on our website, page views and navigation paths, details about the number of times you use our website, time zone settings and other technology on the devices you use to access our website. The source of this data is from our analytics tracking system. We process this data to analyze your use of our website and other online services, to administer and protect our business and website, to deliver relevant website content and advertisements to you and to understand the effectiveness of our advertising. Our lawful ground for this processing is our legitimate interests which in this case are to enable us to properly administer our website and our business and to grow our business and to decide our marketing strategy.

  • Marketing Data that includes data about your preference in receiving marketing from us and our third parties and your communication preferences. We process this data to enable you to partake in our promotions such as sales offer, affiliate offers, free contests with give-aways, to deliver relevant website content and advertisements to you and measure or understand the effectiveness of this advertising. Our lawful ground for this processing is our legitimate interests which in this case are to study how customer use our products/services, to develop them, to grow our business and to decide our marketing strategy.

  • We may use Customer Data, User Data, Technical Data and Marketing Data to deliver relevant website content and advertisements to you (including Facebook adverts or other display advertisements) and to measure or understand the effectiveness of the advertising we serve you. Our lawful ground for this processing is legitimate interests which is to grow our business. We may also use such data to send other marketing communications to you. Our lawful ground for this processing is either consent or legitimate interests (namely to grow our business).

Sensitive Data

We do not collect any Sensitive Data about you. Sensitive data refers to data that includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data. We do not collect any information about criminal convictions and offences.

Marketing Communications

Our lawful ground of processing your personal data to send you marketing communications is either your consent or our legitimate interests (namely to grow our business).

Under the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations, we may send you marketing communications from us if (i) you made a purchase or asked for information from us about our goods or services or (ii) you agreed to receive marketing communications and in each case you have not opted out of receiving such communications since. Under these regulations, if you are a limited company, we may send you marketing emails without your consent. However, you can still opt you of receiving marketing emails from us at any time.

You can ask us or third partied to stop sending you marketing messages at any time simply by unsubscribing from the emails via the unsubscribe button which can be found at the bottom of each email or by sending an email with our request to stop receiving emails.

If you opt out of receiving marketing communications this opt-out does not apply to personal data provided as a result of other transactions, such as purchases, warranty registrations etc.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

We may have to share your personal data with the parties set out below":

  • Service providers who provide IT and system administration services.

  • Professional advisors, including lawyers, bankers, auditors and insurers.

  • Government bodies that require us to report processing activities.

  • 3rd party technology platforms and advertisers that support the running and growth of Randy Merrimen.

We require all third parties to whom we transfer your date to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. We only allow such third parties to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

How do we use your information?

We may use the information we collect from you when you register, purchase products, enter a contest or promotion, respond to a survey, or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:

To personalize your site experience and to allow us to deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.

To allow us to better service you in responding to your customer service requests. To quickly process your transactions.

To administer a contest, promotion, survey or other site feature.

If you have opted-in to receive our email newsletter, free challenges, or a free resource, we will send you educational and marketing emails.

If you would no longer like to receive promotional email from us, please refer to the “How can you opt-out, remove or modify information you have provided us?” section below.

If you have not opted-in to receive email newsletters, you will not receive these emails. Visitors who register or participate in other site features such as marketing programs and ‘members -only’ content will be given a choice whether they would like to be on our email list and receive e-mail communications from us.

Data Security

We have put in place security measure to prevent your personal dat from being accidentally lost, used, altered, disclosed, or accessed without authorization. We also allow access to your personal data only to those employees an partners who have a business ned to know such data. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they must keep it confidential.

We have procedures in place to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of breach if we are legally required to.

Data Retention

We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected for it, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

When deciding what the correct time is to keep the data for we look at its amount, nature and sensitivity, potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure, the processing purposes, if these can be achieved by other means and legal requirements.

For tax purposes the law required us to keep basic information about our customers (including Contact, Identity, Financial and Transaction Data) for seven years after they stop being customers.

In some circumstances we may anonymise your personal data for research or statistical purposes in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.


As you browse Randy Merrimen’s site, advertising cookies will be placed on your computer so that we can understand what you are interested in. Cookies are files with a small amount of data, which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a web site and stored on your computer’s hard drive. To opt out of cookies, find and select the settings tab of your internet browser and click “block third party cookies and site data” or deselect the “accept cookies” box.

Ordering products on our site

We will request information from you on our order forms for purchase products. To buy from us, you must provide contact information (like name and shipping address) and financial information (like credit card number, expiration date). This information is used for billing purposes and to fill your orders. If we have trouble processing an order, we’ll use this information to contact you.

How do we protect visitor information?

We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access right to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. When you place order or access your personal information, we offer the use of a secure server. All sensitive/credit information you supply is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and then encrypted into our databases to be only accessed as stated above.

Do we dispose the information we collect to outside parties?

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information unless we provide you with advance notice, except as described below. It does not include website hosting partner and other parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect our or others’ rights, property, or safety. However, Non-personally identifiable visitor information may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses.

How can you opt-out, remove or modify information you have provided to us?

To modify your email subscriptions, you can find an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email. Please note that due to email production schedules you may receive any emails already in production. Please note that we may maintain information about an individual sales transaction in order to service that transaction and for record keeping.

Third party links

In an attempt to provide you with increased value, we may include third party links on our site. These linked sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We, therefore, have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these linked sites (including if a specific link does not work).

Your Access to and Control Over Information

You may opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the email address or phone number given on our website:

  • See what data we have about you, if any.

  • Change/correct any data we have about you.

  • Have us delete any data we have about you.

  • Express any concern you have about our use of your data.

Changes to our policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page. Policy changes will apply only to information collected after the date of the change. This policy was last modified on January 31, 2019.

Online Privacy Policy

This privacy policy refers only to information collected through our websites, and does not apply to information collected in person at events, coaching calls or social media.

Your Consent

In using our site, you agree to our privacy policy.

Questions and Feedback

We welcome your questions, comments, and concerns about privacy. Please send us any and all feedback pertaining to privacy, or any other issue via email at:


Terms & Conditions of Randy Merrimen

  1. Acceptance

    By using the Website you are fully accepting the terms, conditions and disclaimer contained in this notice. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions you must immediately stop using the Website.

  2. The Use of the site Randy Merrimen Terms and Conditions

    Your access to and use of the site Randy Merrimen is subject exclusively to these Terms and Conditions. You will not use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms and Conditions.

  3. Legal Advice

    The contents the Randy Merrimen website do not constitute advice and should not be relied upon in making or refraining from making, any decision. All material contained on the site Randy Merrimen is provided without warranty of any kind. You use the material on the site Randy Merrimen at your own discretion.

  4. Change of Use

    Randy Merrimen reserves the right to:

    4.1 change or remove (temporarily or permanently) the Website or any part of it without notice and you confirm that Randy Merrimen shall not be liable to you for any change or removal.

    4.2 change these Terms and Conditions at any time, and continued use of the Website following any changes shall be deemed to be your acceptance of such change.

  5. Links to Third Party Websites

    Randy Merrimen website may include links to third party websites that are controlled and maintained by other. Any link to other websites is not an endorsement of such websites and you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the content or availability of any such sites.

  6. Copyright

    6.1 All copyright, trade marks and all other intellectual property rights in the Website and its content (including without limitation the Website design, text, graphics and all software and source codes connected with the Website) are owned by or licensed to Randy Merrimen or otherwise used by Randy Merrimen as permitted by law.

    6.2 In accessing the Website you agree that you will access the content Soley for your personal, non-commercial use. None of the content may be downloaded, copied, reproduced, transmitted, stored, sold or distributed without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. This excludes the downloading, copying and/or printing of pages of the Website for personal, non-commercial home use only.

  7. Links to and from other Websites

    7.1 Throughout this Website you may find links to third party websites. The provision of a link to such a website does not mean that we endorse that website. If you visit any website via a link on this Website you do so at your own risk.

    7.2 Any party wishing to link to this website is entitled to do so provided that the conditions below are observed:

    (a) you do not seek to imply that we are endorsing the services or products of another party unless this has been agreed with us in writing;

    (b) you do not misrepresent your relationship with this website; and

    (c) the website from which you link to this Website does not contain offensive or otherwise controversial content or, content that infringes any intellectual property rights or other rights of a third party

    7.3 By linking to this Website in breach of our terms, you shall indemnify us for nay loss or damage suffered to the Website as result of such linking.

  8. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

    8.1 The Website is provided on an AS IS and AS AVAILABLE basis without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy.

    8.2 To the extent permitted by law, Randy Merrimen will not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage whatever (including without limitation loss of business, opportunity, data, profits) arising out of or in connection with the use of the Website.

    8.3 Randy Merrimen makes no warranty that the functionality of the Website will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected or that the Website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or anything else which may be harmful or destructive.

    8.4 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed so as to exclude or limit the liability of Randy Merrimen for death or personal injury as a result of the negligence of Randy Merrimen or that of its employees or agents.

  9. Indemnity

    You agree to indemnify and hold Randy Merrimen and its employees and agents harmless from against all liabilities, legal fees, damages, losses, costs other expenses in relation to any claims or action brought against Randy Merrimen arising out of any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or other liabilities arising out of your use of this Website.

  10. Severance

    If any of these Terms and Conditions should be determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any course of competent jurisdiction then such Term or Condition shall be severed and the remaining Terms and Conditions shall survive and remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.

  11. Waiver

    If you breach these Conditions of Use and we take no action, we will still be entitle to use our right and remedies in any other situation where you breach these Conditions of Use.

  12. Governing Law

    These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Canada and you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Canada courts.

  13. Our Contact Details

    For any further information please email

Returns & Refunds

Last updated January 31, 2019

Digital Products

Thank you for shopping at Randy Merrimen

We issue refunds for digital products within 14 day of the original purchase of the product contingent on the following terms:

We issue refunds for digital products only under the following conditions:

  • If a product stated as having a money back guarantee you (the client) must submit proof that the product has not worked for you even though you have been following it as described for no less than 14 days. This may include submitting food journals or anything else required Randy Merrimen.

No exception regarding refunds will be made following 14 days from purchase.

Contact us

We recommend contacting us for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or downloading our products. Or, if you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact:

  • By email: