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  • Having the energy and the excitement to spend quality time with your spouse after a full day or week

  • Knowing exactly what you need to do to have more energy to get through your day

  • Being excited and inspired about your life, your future and your work again

  • Having the energy and patience to play with your children

  • Feeling empowered and in control of your health and your life

But what you are really thinking right now is…

“I am so foggy brained I can’t even imagine what that would feel like. It’s all I can do to just get through my day. I just want to sleep.”

The reality is you have started to forget things and lose motivation, which has impacted your work and family in major ways. You feel overwhelmed and it is affecting your self-confidence. You don’t recognize yourself or your body and you are starting to believe this is your new normal.  Your symptoms are keeping you up at night worrying and you are beyond frustrated.

Can you relate to the following….?

Maybe you were told your labs are fine?  

Or that you finally got a diagnosis from your doctor and for a short time you felt better with your treatment?

Or are you still having symptoms and they’re getting worse?

Maybe you have tried all the diets, supplements, exercise programs, books and consulted with several doctors, friends and practitioners and you are starting to think you don’t have any other options?

I bet you are exhausted and you just want to get back to your life and feel like yourself again.

I hear you. I have been there!

I was exhausted, in pain and miserable. I don’t know how many times I said I was done with it. My relationships were strained because I didn’t have the energy to do anything. I felt too tired, too irritable, and too foggy-headed to get anything done. I felt so frustrated. I spent so much time trying to figure out what was making so sick. And the more time I spent doing that it seemed, the less energy and the less well I felt.  It took me years to finally understand how to keep my body healthy.

What about you?

What if someone could help you discover all the specific diet and lifestyle variables that are keeping you from being carefree, energetic and clear of thought? If there was someone who could systematically walk you through the process of this discovery while holding your hand, as well as designing it to fit your work and family lifestyle? If there was someone who could help you to reconnect to your body so that you could reconnect to the people who are the most important to you?

I am convinced that what is needed for women to reclaim their health is a paradigm change on how we view illness.

If you can understand that your body is trying to communicate to you through your symptoms and that your symptoms are your body’s response and solution to dealing with the cause of your dis-ease, you will no longer feel like your body is broken.

TRUTH: Your body never stops working for you, nor does it make mistakes.

If you can understand that what we understand as a dis-ease is simply a collection of those symptoms then it becomes clear that we need to put our focus on what is has led to those symptoms.

TRUTH: It is always multifactorial; everything matters; everything is connected.

Your job is to create a lifestyle that is congruent with your health needs so that you can live a life that is in alignment with your purpose as a healthy person and what you want to accomplish in the world. But first we need to understand how you came to be where you are and how your life story and experiences have impacted your health so we can address the root causes and let your body reset. That is exactly what Beyond the Diagnosis is all about.

Beyond the Diagnosis

****************Coming Soon**********************

A foundational, 1:1 nutrition and lifestyle program for women who want to be free of the fatigue and the fog so they can get back to their life, their family and themselves.

Reframe Your Health Journey

  • Mindset & Beliefs Learn how to challenge beliefs that are contributing to you feeling stuck and trapped.

  • Boundaries, Ownership & Advocating for Yourself You will learn that these are skills that you need to maintain positive changes so that you can get off the roller coaster permanently.

  • Vision and Motivation You will clarify all the reasons you want to make these changes so that you know how to keep yourself accountable.

  • Understand What Disease Really Means

Reconnect to Your Body

  • Symptom Assessment Your symptoms are the way your body is communicating, responding and healing. By evaluating your symptoms in the context of your life, you will learn that your body is not broken, making mistakes or out of control. It’s actually working for you!

  • Intake Session In our intake session together we review your health history for significant events, root causes and triggers. This way we can easily map out specific areas or systems to focus on. You will feel heard and validated and many of my clients discover connections that haven’t been made before.

  • How Did You Get Here? You will learn that your symptoms go way beyond looking at one organ or body symptom and you will finally understand why what you have done in the past has not worked. Hint - it’s always multi-factorial.

Reset the Foundations

  • Nutrition & Hydration

  • Digestion This system is critically important for the optimal function of every system, tissue and cell in the body including inflammation processes. You will learn how to improve its function for more energy, better metabolism and less digestive issues.

  • Blood Sugar In this week you will learn how important blood sugar is to your overall hormone health including but also how it contributes to brain fog, energy crashes, and cravings and how to eat and change your lifestyle to get rid of those symptoms.

    Remove the Blocks

  • Reduce Toxins Dysfunction in the body doesn’t come out of nowhere and toxins in our environment definitely contribute to it. This week you will learn where they are hidden, how to avoid them, get rid of them and how they contribute to imbalances and other symptoms.

  • Release Toxins

    Redesign Habits

  • Sleep & Circadian Rhythm Sleep and and our connection to the rhythms of our biological processes has a direct connection to both gut health and inflammation that are behind the symptoms you are experiencing. You will learn how to address this critical area so you can not only sleep better (and at the right time), but lose the crazy cravings, improve your metabolism and lose the brain fog.

  • Exercise & Movement You will learn the importance of exercise and movement for better sleep, stable hormones, mood and metabolism, but also how much (more is not always better) and what type (hard is not always better) is best for you and how to naturally and practically get yourself more motivated.

  • Stress & Resilience Stress should always be at the forefront of our minds when we are on a health journey. In this section you will identify what areas in your life currently are the sources of your stress, including past physical or emotional trauma in the past, that are contributing to your symptoms so that you can begin to make changes. When triggers arise you will be able to course correct without ‘throwing in the towel’.

  • Relationships, Networks & Nature You will learn how these three areas are important for memory, concentration, stress levels, sleep and mood and how to incorporate more of all of them into your life so you feel more supported, connected, in-flow and less alone.

    Review Progress

  • Reassess Symptoms You have made it to the end of the program and it is time to recommit for all the original reasons you wanted to do the work and to reassess your signs and symptoms to see how far you have come. You will now understand the interactions of your history, diet and lifestyle habits and body systems and know what your personal mediators are to maintain your energy and health.

  • Further Investigation & Next Steps A journey back to wellness is like peeling the layers of an onion one at a time. You may find deeper work is needed to identify a bigger source of dysfunction so that we can address it, but after working on the foundational areas first, we will now be able to see more clearly exactly where the focus should be.

    What’s included:

  • 1 X 60 minute Health History Session that will provide the information that are the keys to clarifying why you are experiencing your symptoms.

  • 1 x 60 minute Counselling Session to review the roadmap for removing your energy obstacles and increasing the nutrition and lifestyle factors that will support all of your body systems so that you that you know what to expect.

  • Teaching lessons, handouts, action tasks, and shopping lists so you know exactly what to do to avoid overwhelm and frustration.

  • Biweekly coaching sessions where we will reassess your signs, symptoms and progress so you can continually make progress.

  • Chat support on the Client Portal for any questions and concerns that arise throughout the program; I am here with you every step of the way for support and accountability.

  • Access to Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, Functional Blood Chemistry, and Bio resonance Scans.

  • 20% off in my Fullscript supplement dispensary if any supplements are need.

  • Coming Soon


As a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, I can help you figure out the lifestyle and nutrition variables that are at the root of your health symptoms. I provide customized nutrition and lifestyle recommendations that are designed to support and work with your unique health.

As a woman who has also gone through her own health journey, I provide an empathetic ear as well as all the mindset tricks to navigate taking care of yourself as a first priority while managing a full load of responsibilities; without feeling overwhelmed!